Ensures adherence to the University’s research policy and makes periodic recomendations to enhance Research and Innovation environment.


big-black-dot Advise the University Management on administration of the University Research Fund
big-black-dot Ensure the adherence to and implementation of the University research policy
big-black-dot Ensure that capacity building in Research is undertaken regularly
big-black-dot Establish a database and recommend peer reviewers of proposals for inclusion in the database who should be drawn from both within and outside Kenyatta University
big-black-dot Consider and recommend to the University Management Board through Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Outreach) proposals that merit the award of the Vice Chancellor’s research grant
big-black-dotPut appropriate mechanisms in place to ensure that University rating based on research indicators is improved
big-black-dot Investigate and establish misconduct in research and make appropriate recommendations to the University Management Board
big-black-dot Provide quarterly reports to University Management Board through the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation & Outreach
big-black-dot Co-opt individuals into the Board as need arises
big-black-dot Perform any other task as may be assigned by the Deputy Vice Chancellor(RIO) or the Vice Chancellor
big-black-dotRaise funds to advance research and innovation in the University
big-black-dot Review research proposals developed in Kenyatta University before they are sent out to funding agencies